Web Statistics Think! It's Not Illegal...Yet!: I hate thinking of these titles sometimes!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

I hate thinking of these titles sometimes!

These days most major companies have either outsourced to other companies or completely other countries to achieve a lower quality job for a higher price to the consumers.
When our power and gas company PG&E sends out anyone to our house they are small time, privately contracted people. The same for DirecT.V., Cox, Sears (for any delivery or repairs), etc. I don't mind the fact that it gives the little guy a chance to make some money, but that they contract for the cheapest source means they get underqualified people most of the time. Half the people that have come to service, repair, or install anything at our house have known less than I do about what they were doing lately. I ended up getting our high-speed internet going when the tech couldn't, I ended up fixing our washer when the 3 different techs they sent out couldn't, I had to light the pilot light for the gas man, etc. and I'm not specially trained or talented in any of those fields!
It seems like a lot of money is going around for inadequate service and most of the money is funneled to the top of the corporations. And that's to say nothing of the crappy quality of our outsourced products that are cheaply made (in every part of the process) and meant to break down fast so you have to replace them.

So I wonder what the dollar amount would be if it was calculated: How much has been spent (both by government and the private sector) on the average individual in this country in an effort to try and manipulate or control them in some way, shape, or form?

I saw a program a few weeks back that was discussing the administration's true colors showing when it came to oil. One more shady item to mention amongst the now huge number of them is that Venezuela now has more oil available than any single O.P.E.C. nation. Chavez, the Venezuelan president, has offered us a deal on oil that is 1/3 off the price per barrel that we're getting raped for now. Of course, that won't make Bush and his cronies any money so their dead against it. So not only are we paying ridiculous amounts per barrel now (HUGE winfall profits of record margin quarter after quarter) but we could be paying less if not directly because this fucked up administration refuses to cut some of their ties with the middle-east and lose a little of those insane and unethical profits.

"Republicans and some Democrats said predictions of a takeover are premature because the Republicans have structural advantages such as a political map where districts have been redrawn to put the party's incumbents in the House of Representatives into relatively safe districts.
That means Democrats have relatively few opportunities to pick up the 15 seats they need to gain control. In the Senate, the Democrats need to pick up six seats." We need to erase the board and redraw these fucking districts! They are part of the destruction of our democratic process.
Also they are part of how this administration cheated the last 2 elections.
I heard another part of how they cheated in the last 2 and plan on cheating even worse in2008. They have been sending the lower quality polling machines to poor and highly democratic areas of population so they can get away with tossing out MILLIONS of ballots, disenfranchising those citizens completely. Anything from an extra dot on a page errors, miscounts, bad addresses, etc. is happening with these old machines and causing the vote to be nullified. As for the bad address part, and you're jsut going to love this shit!, thousands of the ballots discounted for bad address where ballots of soldiers serving in Iraq! Also there have been ballots found outside polling stations right in the fuckng dumpster and the word is that the republican'ts are going to try just straight dumping them on a far broader scale in 2008. What a giant, fucking mess!

And a giant Hooray for that fecal eating, waste Ken Lay! I hope he gets raped by some giant white collar bull queer!

Now if we can ever just nail that fucker Scooter and get to the super henchman, Cheney, it will be a great day for justice!

I have some new additions for the boycott list, but it's time to play some dodgeball with Mat! ;) I'll have to get them up tomorrow.


At 12:10 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Elections, shit, I would be more optimistic that these crooks would be thrown out, but, their replacements will be just as bad, and that is only if they don't just flat out steal the election again. Where are my marijuana party candidates?


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