Home Again

ROFL! Here's a picture I have been waiting almost 1 year to get. This is a company in Ogden, and I noticed it last June one day as we were driving. Unfortunately, I didn't have a camera on me and we weren't able to get back for a picture before we had to leave. I was really hoping that they hadn't moved or gone out of business when we made it back and I was happy to see they were still there!
It was SO great to see so many of our friends and family again! We miss you all more than you'd think!! Athena, Matrim, Aviendha, and I really wish we could see you all (and those we didn't get to see this trip too) much more frequently!
I don't have time to get to the NUMEROUS post items I have notes for now, or my comment responses just yet...Sorry.
I just wanted to let everyone know we are home safe and doing well and that I finally got the post up at the family site with our pictures from the trip.
Look for a lot more posting/comments coming soon.