BOYCOTTED and/or Must Be Destroyed List
This post will contain the names of companies that our family is boycotting. I'll name at least 1 reason they're each on the list, but these evil fuckers are guilty of much more than that. I hope you'll join us in VOTING with your MONEY!
I'll add updates to the list and bring it back as a new post. Feel free to comment or make suggested additions to the list.
New Additions to the list (and unfortunately I have a fucking contract with one and can't boycott yet...):
AT&T (stupid contract), Verizon, and Bell South: Volunteering names/information of customers illegally to the NSA for their illegal, Super Database they are trying to create about us.
Dupont: For the massive releases of Dioxin they are responsible for dumping into U.S. waterways. Dioxin is a known carcinogen. GMO's
Dow Chemical: Environmental Contamination, GMO's
The Fox Network: Broken down, sold out, pile of shit of a television station. I think that every show I have liked on Fox (Married With Children, Simpson's, Family Guy, etc.) has talked shit on Fox and I just wish they had been on a better channel. I hate Fox News and EVERY diarrhea ass-wipe that works for them. I won't even watch any of the good shows they play on Fox any more because of the network's clear tie to the Bush Administration.
Campbells and Mars: For attempting to get the Estate Tax repealed through shady tactics of sewing disinformation and corrupt lobbying tactics.
BOYCOTTED and/or Must Be Destroyed:
General Electric: No company has created more SuperFund sites than GE.
Monsanto: Trying to destroy the worlds seed stock and replace it with genetically mutated seed that doesn't reproduce; you must buy it again every year. GMO's.
Exxon: DIRTY Bastards! These fuckers have raped the American people for UNREAL profits! Also they refuse to clean up their messes!
WalMart: Insidious destroyer of local economy. Contributor to disinformation and corrupt lobbying. Trying to get the Estate Tax repealed.
Chevron: Another DIRTY dealing oil company. Fuck that gap-toothed bitch in every hole with dirty dip-sticks from diesel engines!
Fast Food Chains: Using poor quality ingredients, moronic employees, and putting me in the hospital! GMO's.
Proctor and Gamble: I need to do more research on specific drug companies because I'm sure most belong on the list.
Any Utah-based Company: Because I fucking HATE UTAH!
7-11: They changed the nachos and that was the only reason to ever enter one of those pig infested holes!
76 Stations: Throw away those stupid 76 antenna balls and quit advertising for those blood for oil assholes!
Texaco: More blood for oil
Enron: Energy Pirates. Gang of political/economic thugs that are tied so close to this administration that it's hard to tell where one's shriveled cock ends and the other's gaping ass begins!
Haliburton: One of the biggest shmucks of them all, Dick Cheney.
Clear Channel: Monopoly of the airwaves.
Any Media sources that aren't independent or Foreign: Sold Out, mind-numbing garbage instead of news.
Religion: Responsible for more ignorance, suffering, and death than probably anything else in human history.
The federal government (especially a Republican run one): Corruption is rampant, it wages war on it's own citizens, and misrepresents citizens both at home and our in it's dealings with the rest of the world.
GM, Ford, Etc.: Any of the automotive industry that has slowed our progression to better fuel economy or lack of need for fossil fuel.
Did I mention the State of Utah?!: The other day those stupid shit for brains stole Athena's UT tax return for money that they paid her for unemployment and tried to pretend that they thought it was mine. Also they are trying to re-issue (for the second time) my 6 year old warrant for not completing the ridiculous rehab they tried to force me into for a simple marijuana and paraphernalia bust. The first time they stole my $400 UT return and reissued my 4 year old warrant I knew I wasn't allowed to make money in UT or I'd have it stolen and a new warrant issued. So I went 6 years without making any money in their god-forsaken state and they decided that they couldn't let me get to 7 and the statute of limitations so they stole Athena's money and are trying to issue me a new warrant. BTW, the fucking judge charged me $100 more than the legal limit for my fine (which I paid every dollar of, just no insane rehab). Fuck Utah!!
Any Company, Organization, Government that has a problem with Marijuana (especially medicinal): Closed minded, evil bastards who are partially responsible for everyone that has suffered from unjust incarceration or any other suffering for Marijuana. Also for wasting the millions and millions of dollars that have been lobbied to keep up the ridiculous and unfounded attacks on peaceful citizens and on media propaganda to sway public opinion.
Eric, I love your (very angry) enthusiasm, but- we're stupid, spoiled, fat Americans, and I want my convenient cell phone and my funny TV (we can watch all the fox sitcoms we want if we don't buy stuff from watching the commercials, Right?) and most obviously gas for our car and energy to heat our home etc.) and we can't get those things without bending over to big coorporations. I guess you gotta start somewhere though, so we do try to vote with our dollar as much as we can, but we definately need much more education on the subject. I'm pretty sure this list will be so big that possibly a non-boycott list of companies that follow at least some sort of ethical guidelines would be shorter and easier. (and less angry:)) I doubt there is a cell phone provider that doesn't pollute the environment or spy on us etc, and you can't get gas anywhere that isn't at the cost of lives of others (I feel so dirty every time I fill up the car) So we can try and do something, but you can't say our family is boycotting them because we are asshole Americans that want our luxuries, and I don't know how we can visit Utah without gas (horse?) and I'm not giving up my cell phone anytime soon... But, we should do something positive and productive and voting with our money is definately a great start!
Well of course we aren't even close to perfect, but we are at least trying and consistantly trying harder to do the right things.
You are probably right about the scope of the list. It might just be better (and profitable) to switch it over to a positive list and have the companies I endorse pay me for endorsing. ;) Then I would just endorse companies that we had thouroughly researched.
LMAO Horse?!!
p.s. I love you too. ;)
Love you more!
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