A Few New Rants
Here is some of my rants I've had lately. I've been busier than I expected lately and haven't had a chance to post much...
I have also given responses to comments that I haven't been able to get to lately. Not too many comments but my few responses are up. Also there is a new post/comments up at my other blog.
So I just learned about Secret Signing Statements. Whenever the President signs a bill, he and his lawyers make a follow-up statement that tells what the President really thinks the law means and how he intends it to be enforced. Apparently this hasn't been done too often in the past, but of course, Bush has signed an unprecedented 504 of them so far. That means that every time he signs a bill (Patriot Act etc.) he/his attorneys draw up a statement that tells what the new bill REALLY means; and we all know it's NEVER pretty when we find out the secrets behind this administration. I.E. the Patriot Act means illegal wire taps, torture, etc. are all fair game. The more I find out about the corrupted mess our government is/has become the more I am embarrassed to be a United States citizen.
It looks to me like "play-time" is about over for humanity. We're hurtling headlong into disaster and it looks more and more unavoidable every fucking day (corruption, bad environmental policy, global warming, etc)!!
John McCain is a douche, but at least he admitted he's sold out (check his last showing on The Daily Show)! Not as bad as many in this administration, as I'd say they are more akin to a virus ridden, vermin infested, month dead, whore douche!!
WHAT THE FUCK!!! So we're paying out our asses at the pump while Exxon's CEO retires having earned (that we know about) $686 million, nearly $150,000/day, for his 1996-2005 raping of the public/environment. But hey, let's not even put these fuckers under oath when we ask them a few questions about it all...!! FUCKING HORSE SHIT!!
It's time we all start realizing that we must "vote with our wallets"! It's probably the most effective vote we have left... (Check my Boycott post and help us both in boycotting and news of who we need to add to the list.)
Speaking of money... How the hell does any logical Christian (I know it's practically oxymoronic) think that it's ok to use U.S. currency? Think about these references/thoughts and tell me if you disagree: All the blasphemous references to God on the money, the pagan symbols, idol worship (tell me people don't worship the dollar!), and the story of how Jesus reacted when people tried to mix God and money (he busted out a whip and drove the money-changers from the temple if I remember correctly).
So, the only way it seems that the average citizen of this country can have anywhere close to an equal chance at life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to that of the wealthy citizens would be to enlist the aid of secretaries, attorneys, accountants, brokers, and think-tanks for free! There is MUCH too far of a gap between rich and poor in this country and with all the advantages of the rich (and they are MANY) and disinformation sewn by their think-tanks I don't see a solution in sight.
I've decided that all these Bush/Hitler references have got to go!!
That is giving far too much credit to Bush. I'd say a more appropriate historical reference might be Bush/Nero. I can see Bush getting drunk and high on cocaine (and wacko religion) and laughing his weasle-like laugh as the U.S. burns!!