Web Statistics Think! It's Not Illegal...Yet!: Ouch!

Sunday, October 09, 2005


The political landscape of our country is a mess. Do you have any idea how long it's going to take the U.S. to rid itself of this administration, and the harm it has caused, even if we started today!?!?

There has been such a level of cronyism, corruption, and misconduct by this administration that they make the rest of Washington (past and present) look like innocents! It will take us generations, at least, (and even if we began now) just to attempt to repair the gouging and crony stocking of almost every government agency, top to bottom. Now the Supreme Court is almost nothing but lackeys since the majority are ultra-conservative (I hate their mis-use of the word conservative) or puppets for radical right wing agendas. The environmental situation is deplorable now, and getting worse every minute. And now the majority of people in charge of our safety (on every front from terrorists, to natural disasters, to our food/water, drugs, to our natural resources, and on and on...) are sold out dupes who are more concerned with money than people or freedom or preserving them for anyone else.

There go all the liberal (freedom) decisions of the past: the laws that are left to protect our environment, state/local marijuana laws and initiatives, Roe v Wade, etc., and here comes a massive wave of deregulation, more rights for big corporations (when they already get the best of both worlds of the law, since they are considered to be both a corporation and a citizen in the eyes of the law, and have the power of wealth and all that it entails), and a general slap to the face of the public of the U.S. wherever it will benefit big money!

I was going to make this post longer and more in depth, but I've been too pressed for time lately, and this was all I could write before I got too angry! Hopefully someone will have some sort of believable comment that could act as "the light at the end of the tunnel" or the "silver lining" to this mess, and can post it to cheer me up! ; )


At 6:07 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I know that coming from me a silver lining is unexpected, but, it seems that our government (at least the right wing of it) is self destructing. Delay indicted for money laundering, Frist indicted for insider trading, Rove and Libby being investigated for Plame (with the possibility of Shrub and Dick being indicted as well), not to mention the self implosion of the Christian Wrong over Shrub's latest Supreme Court nominee (seriously, these guys are going after each other on MSNBC and Fox, it's F'ing hilarious). If all goes well and the Conservative "base" stops supporting Rethuglicans (or maybe just stops voting because they are so disappointed in their "fearless leader"), 2006 might just be the year of the Independent. They would at least stand a chance and maybe this two party illusion will shatter into a multi-party orgy of political confusion. Optimistically, we could see a whole new government emerge by 2008.

I know it's far fetched, but, everyone has to have a fantasy!


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