Tom and Athena W. hanging out at our house the first night many people got in. It was a chaotic night, but lots of fun!

This was some G-13 that got finished at the end of the wedding event.
Southern Humboldt Purple in the first few days people were here.

Matrim, Nick, Brian, and I accompanied Athena, friends, and her parents to check out some of the local stores.
Extreme close-up from Athena. I've had a few cookies. ; )
Grandpa and Grandma Hope's first night in town. Grandma is reading one of Mat's favorite books.
Matrim is checking out Cruisin World while we figure out the kegs.
Nick and Mat spent a lot of time playing. Here they are shooting hoops in Mat's room. Grandpa and Grandma Hope got him that hoop and my Dad made the nice toy box in the background.
The General Lee comes to Humboldt. I bet you didn't know we invited the Dukes of Hazzard to the wedding!
We have finally finished the first keg! It kept going, and going, and going, but Steve finally took the last cup at the end of our Talisman game.

Tom sees the flash coming just before I get the night picture off. Jory, Joey, and Tom are hanging around the fire with the group, after the wedding.
A good picture of Shane and Jessie at our campfire reception. We sure love camping with good friends.
It's a tie! Grandpa and Matrim both go down at the same time when they tried to see who could stay up longer.

Our bride-and-groom cake-topper. The bride has the groom attatched to a ball and chain on one leg. The groom has broken one leg from the foot and lost an arm in the effort to escape. : )
Playing some Cali, Tali. This is the "endurance challenge" match of Talisman we tried to play here in CA. Tom, somehow, was able to wake half-way up for each of his turns for several turns. We had to declare Steve the winner when it became evident that we couldn't finish the game. Athena had a good chance but just couldn't get her character going. We had 3 first-timers this game though.

Craig can't believe he's about to give away his only daughter. Athena sure looks beautiful!
Matrim is running up the beach after the wedding.
Athena captured this image of Joey getting intimate with her food. ; ) Athena didn't know it was a pose, she thought she accidentally snapped Joey eating down!
A wave from the wedding gorilla!
"I ain't your brother ya dirty hippie!" says Craig then gives a big smile. This was the big night at the bar.
Here's Steve, doing the Humboldt shuffle, at the town Plaza.
Here's the stripper from my batchelor party. Rod wonders if we're gonna have to tip the stripper. ; )
The whole group: Steve, Rod, Tom, Me, Jenny, Brian, and Athena W. are up on the redwood stump that is the pad for hole 2 at the Redwood course. Athena is taking the picture of us. This stump is about 8-9 feet tall on it's shortest side, and around 15 feet on it's tall side.

My personal favorite: Tom has had one too many drinks while trying to hang with the Talisman Endurance Challenge. I can't tell if the beer (I think it's actually ale) has spilled up his shirt, or if he's thrown up on his chest! Hahahaha...Sorry Tom, but that's just too funny!